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Delta Phi Alpha: Nationale Deutsche Ehrenverbindung

There are two German student organizations at W&J, German Club and Delta Phi Alpha. German Club is a social organization with membership open to anyone; Delta Phi Alpha is an academic honorary with restricted membership.

The Delta Lambda chapter of Delta Phi Alpha was founded at W&J in 1956. This German honorary serves to recognize students who have demonstrated excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for continued achievement. To be considered for membership, students must meet the following qualifications:

• A minimum of 2 years of college German or their equivalent with the attainment of sophomore standing and official registration in an advanced course.
• A minimum average of B+ in all German courses taken. (3.33)
• A minimum average of B in all courses of study at the college level. (3.0)
• Indication of continued interest in the study of German.

Members of the W&J chapter are also expected to play a leading role in the German Club, and each must agree to make a public presentation on a German cultural topic in the term following initiation.

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